Things may be different today for two reasons. First, the smartphone is quickly taking over the world & apps which can be used with smartphones as well as tablet computers running on Apple iOS, Android, and other operating systems. Now, this facility is provided by TCS to give parents the information they want via their smartphone. That way parents stay in the loop and get the information that is important to them. From classwork updates to sports schedules, lunch menus and event updates, Technology of “THE CRESCENT SCHOOL” App TCS is using to deliver important everyday information. TCS decides what content need to send and when, so parents and students are instantly updated. It’s fast to set up and simple to use. The app is available for both iPhone and Android through which user get unlimited messaging capabilities to reach an entire community, including push notification, text, and email. TCS is the only school in Gorakhpur zone which is this much technology in providing the guardians a full support in any way. “THE CRESCENT SCHOOL APP gives TCS the best way to inform and alert to both Management & Guardians”.
“TCS simply believes that in the era of PAYTM why you are waiting for PTM”